:: مقاله مرتبط با : جلد 12 ، شماره 7 , 7

Comparing the themes of children's stories in Iran and Egypt underlining the works of Hushang Moradi Kermani and Yaghub Alsharuni

نویسندگان :
امیر چناری1، امانی ابو السعود2،
1، 2
تعداد صفحات : 143
چکیده :

موضوع پژوهش حاضر مقایسه درون‌مایه‌ داستان‌های کودکان در ایران و مصر با تأكيد بر آثار هوشنگ مرادی کرمانی و یعقوب الشارونی است. داستان‌های کودکان نقش بنیادین و سازنده در تکوین میراث و هویت فرهنگی و ادبی در هر جامعه دارد. همچنین تعیین ساختار این نوع از ادبیات در جامعه ایرانی و مقایسه آن با جامعه مصری کمک می‌کند تا ریشه‌های مشترک فرهنگی، تاریخی و ادبی بازیابی شود. در این پژوهش سعی شده درون‌مایه‌هاي پنج داستان از هوشنگ مرادی کرمانی یعنی نخل، خمره، مربّای شیرین، تنور، چکمه و پنج داستان از یعقوب الشارونی یعنی کور و گنج صحرا، سورپرایز جشن آخر، گم‌شده در قنات، ارواح در نیمه شب، حسناء و مار پادشاهی بررسی، تحلیل و مقایسه شود. همچنين تلاش شده است که درون‌مایه‌های مشترک و متفاوت در آثار آن‌ها بررسی و مشخص شود. برخی از درون‌مايه‌هاي مشترك ميان آثار این دو نویسنده عبارت‌اند از: فقر، کمبود امکانات برای مدرسه در روستاهاي دور، شایعات، یتیمان و اعتقادات روستاييان. هر چند درون‌مایه‌های داستان‌های مرادی کرمانی و الشارونی کاملاً شبیه هم نیستند، ولی هر دو ایشان به درون‌مایه‌های مربوط به مسائل اخلاقی فراوان پرداخته‌اند. نيز هر دو نويسنده با توجه به نگارش رئالیستیشان به طبقات پايين جامعه توجه می‌کنند. برخي از درون‌مايه‌هاي متفاوت ميان دو نويسنده، عبارت‌اند از: شايعات، سوءمصرف مواد غذايي در آثار مرادي كرماني؛ آزمندي، شجاعت و نيز ستمگري حكومت در آثار یعقوب الشاروني.

چکیده انگلیسی :

The subject of the present is to compare the themes of children's stories in Iran and Egypt underlining the works of Hushang Moradi Kermani and Yaghub Alsharuni. Children's stories have a constructive and fundamental role in evolving the heritage and cultural and literary identity in any society. Furthermore, determining the structure of this type of literature in Iranian society and comparing it with the Egyptian society contribute to recover the shared cultural. Historical and literary roots. In this research, the themes of five stories by Hushang Moradi Kermani including the palm tree, the pot, the sweet jam, the oven, the boots and the themes of five stories by Yaghub Alsharuni including the blind and the treasure of desert, the surprise of the last celebration, lost in the aqueduct, ghosts in mid-night and the kingdom snake have been analyzed and compared. The shared and different themes in their works have been also considered. Some of the in common themes of these two writers include: poverty, the lack of facility for school in remote villages, the wastes, the orphans, the beliefs of villagers. Although the themes of the stories of Moradi Kermani and Alsharuni are not completely the same, both of these two writers reflect themes related to moral issues. Also, some of the different themes in their works include: gossips, malnutrition in the works of Moradi Kermani, whereas requisition, bravery and the cruelty of the government in the works of Yaghub Alsharuni. In this research, the results indicate that the main themes have been the moral and training issues in Hushang Moradi Kermani's stories including the palm tree, the pot, the sweet jam, the oven, the boots and the stories of five stories by Yaghub Alsharuni including the blind and the treasure of desert, the surprise of the last celebration, lost in the aqueduct, ghosts in mid-night and the kingdom snake. In the stories of ''the palm tree'' and ''the oven'', the training and pedagogical themes are more remarkable. The partial themes of these stories are training, skills and information aiming to perfectly cultivate children and also teach them skills. Moreover, the results of the five stories including: 'the blind and the treasure of desert'', the surprise of the last celebration'', ''lost in the aqueduct, '' ghosts in mid-night and ''Hosna and the kingdom snake'' indicate that the themes of Yaghub are moral- training, pedagogical and historical information. The partial themes are information, skills, behavior and cultivation. The shared main themes of the ten stories of Hushang Moradi Kermani and Yaghub Alsharuni are dealt with moral training and cultivation training. However, the partial themes of these ten stories are training- information, skills, moral and cultivation. The themes of the ten stories of Hushang Moradi Kermani and Yaghub Alsharuni are almost similar to one another and no specific distinction is found in their themes. The themes of realistic stories are mainly bound by poverty, injustice, love defeat and the corruption of the lower class. These issues are considerable in the stories of Hushang Moradi Kermani and Yaghub Alsharuni. These ten stories are the distinct examples in the works of these two writers. The theme of all ten stories have been taken from the real life of human being except the story of '' blind the treasure of desert'' which is imaginative. Indeed, it confirms the main and fundamental concepts of life like requisition, help, trying, bravery, love, poverty and deprivation, cruelty and cruel. The type of characters, space and place and plot of the story have had remarkably affect the theme, all elements confirm it and move through the same direction. Both writers have successfully extended the theme along their work and this goes on until the end of the stories. The story characters of Hushang Moradi Kermani and Yaghub Alsharuni are mostly the residents of villages. In fact, their stories are retold in a very simplle language. The context of the stories has a climatic essence specifically using local and native expressions has extinguished the context of the story. Nevertheless, using the external descriptions of the characters has made those two writers close to each other. The stories of Hushang and Yaghub are both narrated by first point of view. The language of Yaghub is more simplified than that of Hushang. In their stories, both writers are in pursuit of criticizing the conditions of their own society. Therefore, the theme in the works of both writers is scrutinized as one of the prominent elements of story.

موضوع : علوم انسانی
کلمات کلیدی : مسائل اجتماعی، درون‌مایه، هوشنگ مرادی کرمانی، یعقوب الشارونی.
مراجع :
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تعداد بازدید از مقاله : 7
تعداد دانلود فایل : 3

سایر شماره ها

دوره 7 (پاییز و زمستان 1401) دوره 6 (بهار و تابستان 1401) دوره 5 (پاییز و زمستان 1400) دوره 4 (بهار و تابستان 1400) دوره 3 (پاییز و زمستان 1399) دوره 2 (بهار و تابستان 1399) دوره 1 (پاییز و زمستان 1398)

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