:: مقاله مرتبط با : جلد 12 ، شماره 7 , 7

The position of children's literature in the Persian books from the first to the third grades

نویسندگان :
علی‌اصغر ارجی1،
تعداد صفحات : 59
چکیده :

ادبیات روش خاصی برای آفریدن و تولید معناست. این منطق زیباشناسانه ساحت عظیمی از دانش‌ها، پندارها، تناسبات و نظام‌واره‌های تازه را در خود نمایان می‌سازد و به طبیعتاً این قدرت را دارد که عمیق‌ترین و قوی‌ترین تأثیرها را در مخاطبان ایجاد کند. ادبیات کودکان نیز مانند ادبیات (بزرگسالان) از چنین ظرفیت و منطقی بهره‌مند است. در این جا هم سازوکار ادبی دست به تولید معنای متناسب برای کودکان می زند و ضرورت دارد قدرت زیباشناسانه داشته باشد، استوار و منسجم و ساخت‌مند باشد و برای نیازهای عاطفی و احساسی آن‌ها پاسخ اقناعی بیابد. با مطالعه و بررسی کتاب‌های دورۀ ابتدایی (اول تا سوم) به این گمان نزدیک می‌شویم که مؤلفان کتاب‌ها بر ظرفیت عظیم و عمیق معناسازی و تأثیر تربیتی و آموزشی ادبیات توجه ندارند بلکه آن را ابزاری ساده و پیش پا افتاده برای انتقال مفاهیم و مضامین اجتماعی، دینی، اخلاقی و علمی می‌دانند. در این نوشتار می‌کوشیم فقدان اصول ادبیات کودکان را در کتاب های مذکور تحلیل کنیم.

چکیده انگلیسی :

Literature is a particular method of creating and producing meaning. This aesthetic logic field divulges a vast range of knowledge, concepts, proportions and new systems. In fact, it is able to affect audience as profoundly as possible. Like adults' literature, children's literature has such logic and capacity. Here, the literary mechanism initiates to produce suitable meaning for children, and it is essential to have aesthetic power, to be steady and coherent, and to find an undoubted response for their passionate and emotional requirements. Analyzing the Persian books from the first to the third grades reveals that the authors have ignored the great capacity of making meaning and the pedagogical and training effects of literature. Further, they have considered Persian books as a means of conveying scientific, religious and social implications. This research aims to deliberate the lack of the principles of children's literature in the aforementioned books. Literature is actually a specific aesthetic system embracing meanings, schemes and training patterns in it. Naturally, it cannot be considered as a shell and carrier for thoughts and content outside of oneself. Therefore, in the last century, much attention has been given to the origin and nature of literature, and new capacities of it are revealed and analyzed in literary discussions and theories. The main question is that have authors heeded these principles and literary theories in writing primary school text books?! From the development of new schools to the one or two decades ago, the elementary school Persian text books have just included poetic texts and sweet and attractive stories. These books are only concerned with teaching Persian alphabets in the first grade and reading and learning words and writing in the second and third grades. The fact is that there has not been a comprehensive concept to be innovate taught through literature. Within the recent decade, the authors of Persian text books have attempted to scientifically teach the language along with the change of the global patterns of teaching children. . For this purpose, the structure of these books has been extended to chapters, texts, pictures, questions and exercises, and teaching language skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) and meta-linguistics and the power of analysis and creative learning to children has been the foundation of work. Undoubtedly, if this method is exactly and scientifically done, it will contribute to expand the childhood concept. It will also profoundly affect the inception, emotions and learning of children. Nevertheless, it seems that there are obstacles on this way and the unique position of literature has been remarkably ignored in teaching. It seems that the authors of books have considered literature as a decorative means that its only feature is to hyperbolically convey educational, moral, health and religious contents and has no other mission. However, they did not basically differentiate between pure children's literature and low literary level. Anyway, we are going to elucidate these errors and mistakes in order to pave the way with the contribution of the ideas of other researchers. Notably, we have considered the Persian text books from aesthetic and literary aspects including poetic texts and prose books not illustrations, practices and questions. Even though the authors have used a suitable mechanism in compiling and detailing Persian books based on language teaching models, they were not capable of using the potential of literature, especially children's literature, in the finest way. However, narration and rhythm of music has been poorly covered in text books. Literature has this vast and aesthetic capacity to both motivate the inception of children and improve their seeing, listening, reading and writing skills. It also tries to make children learn the literary and artistic techniques. Furthermore, most of the concepts and contents of these books are not childish like. It is mostly descriptive and controlling rather than reflecting children's feelings and removing their mental burden.

موضوع : علوم انسانی
کلمات کلیدی : کودک، ساختار، زیباشناسی، شعر، روایت، افسانه، انتزاع، اندرز.
مراجع :

تعداد بازدید از مقاله : 9
تعداد دانلود فایل : 3

سایر شماره ها

دوره 7 (پاییز و زمستان 1401) دوره 6 (بهار و تابستان 1401) دوره 5 (پاییز و زمستان 1400) دوره 4 (بهار و تابستان 1400) دوره 3 (پاییز و زمستان 1399) دوره 2 (بهار و تابستان 1399) دوره 1 (پاییز و زمستان 1398)

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