:: مقاله مرتبط با : جلد 12 ، شماره 7 , 7

Female Protagonists in the Tales of " Marzbān-nāma," According to Greimas's Action Model and their Suitability for Children

نویسندگان :
نرگس جابری‌نسب1، فاطمه خدارحمی2،
1، 2
تعداد صفحات : 105
چکیده :

مرزبان‌‌‌نامه اثر مرزبان بن رستم از جمله آثاری است که قابلیت‌‌‌های ادبی چشمگیری از منظر ساختار ادبی و زیبایی‌‌‌شناسی دارد. این مجموعه حکایت‌‌‌ها حاصل بازنویسی است که توسط سعدالدین وراوینی در قرن هفتم هجری قمری انجام شد و روایت‌‌‌های موجود در آن از منظر دانش روایت‌‌‌شناسی قابل تأمّل است. زنان در چهارده حکایت از مجموعه حکایت‌‌‌های این اثر نقش قابل ملاحظه‌‌‌ای دارند. در پژوهش حاضر کنشگران زن براساس الگوی گریماس بررسی شده‌اند. آنچه بررسی انطباق حکایات با الگوی روایت‌‌‌شناسی در اختیار قرار می‌‌‌دهد تحلیل و شناخت علمی عناصر و کنش‌‌‌های سازنده در حکایات است که می‌‌‌تواند زوایای پنهان و ارزشمند این اثر را به عنوان دستور زبان خاص کنشگران زن در حکایت‌های موجود نمایان سازد. این پژوهش از نظر هدف، جزو پژوهش‌‌‌های توصیفی- تحلیلی از نوع تحلیل محتوا است. گردآوری داده‌‌‌های پژوهش با روش مطالعه کتابخانه‌‌‌ای انجام شده است. اطلاعات مورد نیاز از طریق جست‌‌‌وجو در منابع مرتبط با موضوع پژوهش و برگه نویسی جمع‌‌‌آوری شده است. تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات و داده‌‌‌ها بر اساس تحلیل کیفی و مبتنی بر توصیف و تحلیل داده‌‌‌ها است.

چکیده انگلیسی :

Marzbān-nāma, a work by Marzban – Ibn – Rostam, is one of the works that has significant literary capabilities in terms of literary and aesthetic structures. It includes a collection of fables which is the result of a rewrite in the seventh century AH. The narratives in it worth being analyzed and considered in terms of the science of narratology. In the fourteen narratives of this work, women play significant role. In this study, the position of women’s acts was examined based on Greimas’s model. What the study of conformity between the narratives and narrotology model depicts is that the scientific analysis of the elements and constructive actions in the anecdotes are the ones which can reveal the latent and valuable angles of this work as a specific grammar of female activists in the existing stories Russian formalists or structuralists were the first to study the narrative structure of stories. They attempted to find rules and formulas for literature, just like mathematics, and formulate the stories according to those rules and formulas. After the formalists, structuralists such as Grimas, Todorov, Genet and Bremon focused on the study of narrative structures. They sought to discover patterns and chain relationships in stories and did not pay attention to story elements. In fact, in addition to the development of poetry and stories, the studies conducted by the structuralists also established the field of narratology, which sought to find the grammar or the structure of the story, in other words, the rules that govern the stories. Grimas followed narrative-research extensively. He proposes an action model that is very abstract in nature and should be able to describe the narrative in a general sense and specify all the possible elements of a narrative and the types of combinations of these elements in literary and non-literary texts. He believes that the narrative has two levels, surface and intrinsic; in which surface level is manifested in language, while intrinsic level creates a kind of common structural body. Accordingly, he states that every story has a number of steps and each step has a number of action patterns. Grimas proposed six types of actions in the form of three mutual pairs and created three action patterns: 1- The first action pattern: In this pattern, the subject and the object are mutually paired. The subject is the main actor of the narrative and the object is what the subject is looking for. In fact, the subject of the story is looking for the object of the story. 2- The second action pattern: In this pattern, the sender and receiver are mutual pairs. The sender (motivator) is the agent or because that sends the main actor (subject) to follow the object and the receiver is the person who benefits from the subject's action. 3- The third action pattern: In this pattern, the mutual pair is the opposing and helping force. An opposing force is someone or an agent who tries to prevent the subject from reaching the object, and a helping force is someone or an agent who helps the subject to reach the object. The presence of both opposing and helping forces depends on the level of communication between the sender and the receiver and the subject. The more difficult it is to achieve the object, and the material and spiritual value the object has, the stronger the presence of the opposing force. The helper helps either at the request of the actor or without his request. Also, the helper is either internal, such as intelligence, sagacity, resourcefulness, cunningness, etc., or it is external; that is, it is a character that helps the main actor.

موضوع : علوم انسانی
کلمات کلیدی : روایت، کنشگر، زن، مرزبان‌نامه، گریماس، کودکان
مراجع :

تعداد بازدید از مقاله : 6
تعداد دانلود فایل : 3

سایر شماره ها

دوره 7 (پاییز و زمستان 1401) دوره 6 (بهار و تابستان 1401) دوره 5 (پاییز و زمستان 1400) دوره 4 (بهار و تابستان 1400) دوره 3 (پاییز و زمستان 1399) دوره 2 (بهار و تابستان 1399) دوره 1 (پاییز و زمستان 1398)

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