:: مقاله مرتبط با : جلد 12 ، شماره 7 , 7

Movement from structure toward meaning and implicit dipoles to the global specifications of children's literature

نویسندگان :
مرتضی شمس‌آبادی1،
تعداد صفحات : 69
چکیده :

داستان، پیش از آنکه به عنوان یک داستان تلقی شود، یک روایت است. به همین دلیل در نظر آوردن اصول روایت‌‌شناسی برای هر نویسنده و منتقدی ضرورتی انکار‌‌ناپذیر است. از دیگر سو مهمترین و حساس‌‌ترین مخاطبان داستان و به شکل عام‌‌تر، ادبیات، کودکان هستند، لذا رعایت و بررسی اصول روایت‌‌شناسی در داستان‌‌ها و ادبیات کودک از اهمیت بالایی برخوردار است. در این پژوهش، با استفاده از ابزارهایی که ساختارگرایان برای بررسی روایت ارائه کرده‌‌اند و روش تقلیل‌‌گرا، ویژگی‌‌ها و کیفیت ساختاری و روایت‌‌شناسانه کتاب خرگوش گوش داد، که از جمله آثار پرمخاطب کودک است، بررسی و تحلیل شده است و این نتیجه حاصل گشت که این اثر دارای روایتی کامل با مختصاتی مطلوب برای طرح به عنوان یکی از نمونه‌‌های ادبیات جهانی کودک است. همچنین به بررسی چگونگی زایش معنا از دل ساختار در این اثر پرداخته شد و با استفاده از روش تحلیلی-توصیفی و با ارائه دوقطبی‌‌های ضمنی، امکان وجود چند مربع معنایی و دوقطبی بنیادین در یک روایت واحد مورد بحث قرار گرفته است.

چکیده انگلیسی :

Along with the beginning of the new era, we got familiar with the new concept of children's literature. As the result of the development of this literary type, children's literature is changed into one of the main branches of literature and it has attracted numerous addressees. Among all the literary frames in children's literature, story is the most frequent and literary dominant. Throughout history, children have been always enthusiastic about it. The research of Propp and the structuralists led to frames of narration and narrative structure which have been true in all fairy tales as well as other stories. Placing story in this narrative structure means to have a proper narrative pattern and achieve a complete and meaningful story. In stories, the narrative structure acts as language for literature because language is a tool for literature to express and convey that literary image and that message imagined in the mind of the creator of the work. In this research, the understudy text is the story of ''the rabbit listened'' by Courie Durfeld. This story in the original language has been welcome by children all around the world and even the translated versions have been paid a lot of attention. The questions and research hypothesis are as the following: 1- are we dealt with a complete narration in this book? How are the narrative functions and the plot of this work like? In this research, the hypothesis was that since the audience has got a good connection with this work and this does not happen unless the narration has the least necessary quality and the story has a narrative structure. It is assumed that the story of the rabbit listened is probably a complete narration and different parts of a plot of a complete narration can be extracted through it. 2- What is the main content- structure dipolar of this story? Can other dipoles be considered? Due to the hypothesis of this research and regarding the present definitions of the thematic dipoles in the semantic square of a story, only one dipole can be considered as the main one. 3- Is the statement "the narrative structure makes sense for the narrative" true in this work and can it be presented? The hypothesis for the last question is that it is expected that the structural main stream analysis of the narration directs us to achieve the features of the meanings in deeper layers. Scrutinizing each of the tools of structural analysis to clarify which of the narrative's semantic aspects is unclear. In this research the narrative structure of the story of '' the rabbit listened'' has been extracted by the means obtained from the theory of narratology including the structure of the narrative levels, the semantic system, the semantic square and the structure of the plot. The questions were answered based on the reductionist method and the analytical- descriptive one.

موضوع : علوم انسانی
کلمات کلیدی : داستان کودک، دوقطبی ضمنی، روایت‌شناسی، ادبیات کودک و نوجوان
مراجع :

تعداد بازدید از مقاله : 8
تعداد دانلود فایل : 3

سایر شماره ها

دوره 7 (پاییز و زمستان 1401) دوره 6 (بهار و تابستان 1401) دوره 5 (پاییز و زمستان 1400) دوره 4 (بهار و تابستان 1400) دوره 3 (پاییز و زمستان 1399) دوره 2 (بهار و تابستان 1399) دوره 1 (پاییز و زمستان 1398)

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