:: مقاله مرتبط با : جلد 12 ، شماره 7 , 7

Analyzing the works of Mozhgan Sheikhi in adaptation from Bustan and Golestan for children and adolescents (age group of ten to twelve from 2002 -2012)

نویسندگان :
مریم جلالی1، مهرالسادات طباطبایی2،
1، 2
تعداد صفحات : 47
چکیده :

نظر به آثار پیشینیان و انتقال مفاهیم آن به ویژه برای کودکان و نوجوانان امری مهم است که به شیوه‌های گوناگون مورد توجه بوده است. یکی از شیوه‌های مؤثر برای این کار که با استفاده از آن می‌توان آثار کهن ادبی را که به عللی توانایی ارتباط با مخاطب را از دست داده‌اند، احیا کرد، اقتباس است. آثار سعدی از برجسته‌ترین متون ادب فارسی است که همواره مورد توجه اقتباس کنندگان بوده است. در این میان مژگان شیخی نقش بسزایی در بازنویسی آثار سعدی برای کودکان و نوجوانان دارد. او 12جلد کتاب برای کودکان و و نوجوانان از بوستان و گلستان سعدی اقتباس و بازنویسی کرده است. از آنجا که این آثار مایه‌های فراوان اخلاقی و تربیتی دارند، شایسته است به دقت مورد بررسی قرار گیرند تا با روشن شدن نقاط ضعف و قوت آنها، الگویی مناسبتر برای کسانی که در این حوزه کار می‌کنند ارائه شود. بر این اساس در مقاله حاضر سعی شده است با بررسی کتاب‌های اقتباس شده مژگان شیخی از بوستان و گلستان سعدی برای کودکان و نوجوانان در فاصله سال‌های 1381 تا 1391 شمسی، نقاط ضعف و قوت و میزان تأثیر پذیری آنها از محتوا و ساختار بوستان و گلستان با توجه به خصوصیات و روحیات کودک و نوجوان در گروه سنی ج بررسی شود و در نهایت الگویی تعیین شود که با قرار دادن آثار اقتباس شده در آن، کم و کیف آنها روشن گردد.

چکیده انگلیسی :

It is important to transmit the works of the past generations and convey their concepts to children and adolescents of the modern time. For this purpose, there are different methods. Adaptation is one of the effective methods through which the previous works lost their connections with the modern audience can be revived. The works of Saadi are among the most prominent ones in Persian texts that the adaptors have always considered them. Meantime, Mozhgan Sheikhi is one of those prominent figures in rewriting the works of Saadi for children and adolescents. She has rewritten twelve volumes of Saadi's Bustan and Golestan for children. Since the themes of these works are concerned with training and cultivating, it is essential to scrutinize their downsides and positive points. The deficiencies and positive points will be clarified and better patterns can be presented in this regard. In this research, the books adapted by Mozhgan Sheikhi from Bustan and Golestan of Saadi have been investigated to figure out the shortcomings and positive points from 2002 to 2012 in terms of theme and structure based on the characteristics of children and adolescents in the age group of ten to twelve. Eventually, a pattern is determined in which the adapted works can be placed in so that their downshifts and positive points will be cleared. In this article, the common points of the definitions of this term have been discussed the definition of adaptation from the lexical and terminological point of view. Then, the adaptation is divided into two types of content and structure, and each one of them is separated into parts. For the next pars, this sophisticated Persian poet has been introduced and the significance of his works has been mulled over. From 2010 to 2021, Sheikhi has rewritten ten stories of Bustan and ten stories of Golestan of Saadi. The present article is dealt with the story of ''the clumsy fox'' that has been rewritten by Sheikhi. Initially, the original text of Saadi's Bustan has been compared with the rewritten one by Sheikhi. Then, the content and the structural points of Sheikhi's work has been analyzed, And the important things in content analysis includE the selection of pre-effect, topic and content, matching the message, removing unnecessary content and increasing and processing. Regarding the principles of rewriting and the mental necessities of the age group of children from ten to twelve, the aforementioned points have been dissected. Next, the story has been analyzed in terms of structural analysis including language simplification, word difficulty, and word repetition, writing style, punctuation marks, rhetoric and grammar. For the next step, the sentences that Sheikhi has adapted from Saadi's Bustan in her story have been expressed for better understanding along with examples of the verses of the original anecdote. In the last part, the compatibility of the illustrations with the text has been investigated remarking this age group. The most important results of the data analysis of this research indicate that structure and content are inseparable and the adaptor has considered this point in her works. Although Sheikhi has done her best to preserve the compatibility of the content with the age group of ten to twelve and she has carefully used the interpretations and words and simile, the structural compatibility with this age group has been ignored. Also, she has chosen a good anecdote of the original text. As comparing oneself with other, imitating and hastily judgments are the characterization of this age group, retelling this story attracts the audience's attention. In fact, this age group may feel the animism and this group indirectly learns to try to help others despite strength and ability. Another remarkable point in choosing this story is that fox has been introduced as a kind and caring animal although the stereotype character of fox is cunning and mean. In terms of the topic and content, considering that Saadi has deliberated educational and educational aspects both in Bustan and Golestan, Sheikhi has indirectly considered the training – moral issues of the anecdote. In his Bustan, Saadi has explained one specific issue and then he has also repeated that subject in the following verses. While rewriting the Bustan, Sheikhi has reflected this issue, as well. In addition, this message that God's sustenance to his creatures is observed in both works. Notably, as this part is about generosity and kindness, Saadi has also minded the kindness of the lion. The kindness of lion to fox along with God's sustenance complete the story. Sheikhi has paid attention not to make the audience feel bored. So, she has not changed all the verses into prose. She has also added some more points to clarify the issues. The stereotype concept of lion is a cruel animal that does not care other weak ones, but lion is introduced differently in Bustan. It would be significant to consider this point in the rewritten text so as to vanish away the concept of power with violence from the audience's mind. In the structural analysis in the language simplification section, considering the special language and style of Saadi, who has used difficult words and expressions in his works, and in some cases Arabic, if the written language is complex for age group of ten and allusions and expressions and if difficult words are used a lot, the motivation of the audience to read the story is gone. Sheikhi has practiced simplicity as much as possible. In the word difficulty section, the difficulty or complexity of the word is measured consistent with the audience's age and vocabulary. In Bustan, Saadi has repeated the word sustenance three times and Sheikhi has also repeated it in three sentences. In the writing style section, Sheikhi's style of writing is studied in terms of formality or speaking, and according to her writing style, which is formal in the story, it has been mentioned in five cases that are written in a colloquial and colloquial way. From rhetorical view, irony and simile are the most used figurative elements for the age group of twelve. Using irony is suitable in the rewritten text, but it is not appropriate to use metonymy in one sentence of the aforementioned story. Furthermore, the rewriter has considered the grammatical points and punctuations to be coped with the age of the addressee. In the adaptation part, there are some verses from Saadi that the Rewriter, Sheikhi, has exactly translated and given their exact meanings. Mentioning the literature and its exact meaning by the adaptor indicates the adaptation of the rewriter. The complete text of the original text have been mentioned in the rewritten text so as to prevent plagiarism and be faithful to the original text. In the last part, all the illustrations of the text have been considered and the important points have been pointed out.

موضوع : علوم انسانی
کلمات کلیدی : ادبیات کودک و نوجوان، اقتباس، بازنویسی، باز آفرینی، سعدی، بوستان، گلستان، مژگان شیخی.
مراجع :

تعداد بازدید از مقاله : 8
تعداد دانلود فایل : 4

سایر شماره ها

دوره 7 (پاییز و زمستان 1401) دوره 6 (بهار و تابستان 1401) دوره 5 (پاییز و زمستان 1400) دوره 4 (بهار و تابستان 1400) دوره 3 (پاییز و زمستان 1399) دوره 2 (بهار و تابستان 1399) دوره 1 (پاییز و زمستان 1398)

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