:: Writers Guide

This bi-monthly journal welcomes the latest research achievements of children's and adolescent literature. Articles in this publication under review must be arranged in the following way:

The article should contain new scientific points and the results of the authors' research work.
The article has not been published in another publication or sent to another publication at the same time.
The article is written in 15 to 20 pages, and abstract up to 200 words and keywords up to 7 words.
 The order of the content of the article: title, abstract, keywords, introduction (goals, research background and research question should be included in the introduction), topic, summary or conclusion and sources.
In the original version, the full details of the author or authors should be in order: first and last name, academic rank and name of the institution or university, city of employment and country. In other versions, the article will appear without a name.
When typing the article, the following should be observed:
A. Persian articles should be typed in Word 2010 environment with the Blotus pen and 14 thin font with 1 line spacing.

B. A line of space should be used before each title.

C. The titles and the first paragraph should be without indentation and the following paragraphs should be indented.

D. Spaces and semi-spaces between words should be observed.

E. References in the text of the article should be mentioned in the following order by observing the punctuation marks:

Last name of the author or authors, year of publication: page or pages quoted

For example: (Zarinkoob, 1364: 25-35)

The sources used in the article should be arranged in alphabetical order as follows:
Book: author's last name, author's name. (year of publication of the work), title of the work in Iranian, full name of the translator or proofreader. Place of publication: name of the publisher.
Article: author's last name, author's name. Date of Release. "Title of the article". The name of the publication in Iranic. year of publication The relevant number. The numbers of the beginning and end pages (like this: pp. 21-37).

The author or authors are responsible for the scientific and legal accuracy of the content of the article.
The journal is free to accept or reject articles.
The articles that are prepared according to the journal's acceptance guide will be published.
Articles taken from students' theses are accepted with the mention of the name and the permission of the supervisor.
Completing and sending the commitment form to the magazine is mandatory.
